My cherry clafoutis

Here a French recipe for you! One of my favourite! I love cherries and it’s the cherry season right now so I wanted to share with you the recipe of my cherry cake, called “clafoutis aux cerises” in France. I say “cake” but it’s more like a “flan”…

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mapiful poster

A Mapiful poster for our Bathroom

We have just received the Mapiful poster we created to decorate the wall in our bathroom! I love it! As we moved to our new house in March, we are still in the process of decorating each room. Last week I got some inspiration for our bathroom! I bought a little plant for the fireplace … Read more

Scones for tea!

It seems that all regions in the UK are claiming thy invented scones but it would appear that the Scottish origin is the most likely. For the anecdote, the first time I ate scones it was not in England but

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My homemade lemon curd

The lemon curd is the first English recipe I tested, even before living in the UK because I just love it! I must admit I am not a big fan of English desserts in general (sorry!) but

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Making fudge was not easy!

Cornwall would be the region that masters the recipe but it seems that the origin has its roots in New York, in the US. Fudges are simply a kind of caramel (a recipe for caramel that has gone wrong). It looks like

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english garden

My Secret English Garden

We moved in a new house at the beginning of Spring. We fell in love with this house for the house itself but also because of what I would call “a typical English garden”. Of course, we didn’t know that this garden that seduced us so much was going to become

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